Welcome gentlemen, today we talk about something will can help you to enjoy more your sex-life here in Bangkok!
Many customers ask to us about Viagra, Cialis….because in Bangkok it’s easy to get these medicines and they are cheaper than other places in the world. First of all you must not take these medicines without consult your doctor first.
The most famous is Viagra, here it’s easily purchased in pharmacies without a doctor’s certificate or similar documentation. It’s not so cheap, you can find at 2000 baht for a box with 4 pills (100mg). You can feel the effects in 30-40 minutes and its duration is up to 8 hours. The alternative is Kamagra, literally its generic but with a small difference, that Kamagra is able to come into operation after a few minutes (10/15). It’s more cheap and you can find it in pills or in convenient jelly format (you can get to 80/100 baht in pharmacies).
Different speech instead for Cialis, it has different active ingredient than Viagra. Cialis is nicknamed “the weekend pill” because its effects last 36 hours. Same Viagra it is not so cheap. I would suggest the generic version called Apcalis, there is in pills and in jelly.
You can find everyone in many pharmacies (not all) but don’t buy from street vendors because it’s fake for sure.
We hope to be useful for you, for any questions contact us at [email protected].
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